What My Day is Looking Like

Posted by on Jul 27, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

So here’s how I’m rolling today. I have a sticky contract situation that I am going to have to deal with.

I have to work on show treatments.

I have to take care of a legal matter.

I have to take the boys ‘back to school’ clothes shopping to day.

Back in the day I could go to Target buy them ten shirts and two pairs of jeans of my choosing. They didn’t care and when they wore out it was okay cause they’d outgrow them in 9 months anyway.

But now, they care. Which wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t mind shopping. They hate it worse than I do. So here’s what typically occurs. They pester me two days in advance (this has already occurred) about what it is they want and don’t want.

Then we go to the store (That’s today’s pain in the behind task) and since I have been informed – ad nauseam – about their preferences they expect me to wave a magic wand in front of the store and have all of their completed outfits pop off the racks and fly into my hands. They don’t want to look. They don’t want to try anything on. They express disgust at my suggestions.

So TODAY I am going to send them in. I’m going elsewhere. They’ll have an hour to pick stuff out. I’ll come back. Buy the stuff I approve of (They have a price limit) and am putting the rest back. I’m in no mood to molly coddle people today.

You know, I received a really interesting question from someone re: toxic relatives on MySpace. I think I will give it some though and have a general response to the issue.

By the way what’s up with MySpace? I haven’t been able to post for 2 days.

Still working on posting my woman cave pictures. You’re girl has had an techno-stroke. Brain can’t process buttons all of a sudden.

Anyway, you guys take it easy. I love the virtual family you have formed.


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