People Places and Things

Posted by on Jul 26, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments


1. I talked to a couple of interesting people in LA. One of them was a friend who worked in Michael Jackson’s house and was there the day he died. Can’t share what she told me. Always thought this person was a good person now I think she’s wonderful. She’s gotten mad money offers from The Enquirer and you name it, to tell her story. She needs the money but won’t take it. Every once in a while you have your faith in people restored from the strangest places.

2. And then there is you guys. I moan a great deal on this thing about life’s little dramas then on occasion one of you will give me a note of encouragement and make a brief reference to your won personal drama. I want you guys to know I appreciate the fact that you get I can’t take on everybody’s problems but that I am with you in spirit. Some of you are struggling hard and keep stepping. I love that!!!!!! One day when I get my fan club together I am going to have a forum of some sort called Stitch and Bitch. A friend of mine used to do it. It was a knitting club. Everybody came and knitted something but the real purpose was to get together and complain. I am going to figure out a way to have a virtual Stitch and Bitch. Some good humored moaning and groaning never hurt anybody.

3. One of you asked about that person I couldn’t find anything to like about and how I was doing with that person. You know, I have been so busy that she has been relegated to an asterisk in my life. That’s the real solution – not chocolate cake – I’ve been extra busy. I am working on lots of new projects – I might need your help with one by the way – more later when I have it together – but she’s now just a hang nail. You have to let people bother you and I just have too much important stuff going on. I am soooo over it.

4. Small storm blew through my recently calm marital waters. Actually that’s not true, it was a category 5 hurricane. But it was fast. Weird. Still weird. But calm again. Life is weird.


I finished my office. My woman cave is up and running. Having a little problem on the picture front though. Can’t find my before shots but I am going to try to send you some afters later today.

After I go to the grocery store today (and yes, I am at it again) I am going to clean the fridge and the bathroom. That’s my domestic goal for the day. I’ll have you know that the Maids have not been here in months and your girl is holding it together. Tell you what, Big E did his part while I was gone. Like I said the place sparkled when I got home.


Man oh man, I was going to upload a picture or video but it seems I’ve lost my touch. What are you gonna do?

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