Yours – The – My

Posted by on Jun 1, 2010 in Uncategorized | 17 Comments

That’s how it works, people and it only takes Duchess a week.  When she first gets here she talks about the house as follows:

Your house is a mess.”  or  “Your house looks good”  whichever the case may be.  And as we all know the former is much more likely than the latter.

Anyway 3 to 4 days in she says stuff like:

“The house is looks better” or “Stop that.  That’s what keeps the house a mess.”

Now she says.

“When you finish that put it up. My kitchen is clean.  Keep it that way.”

It’s funny.  It happens every time.

Anyway I am going to try and have a productive day.  I have a lot of ordinary mundane stuff to do.  I usually don’t do that well unless I have a lot of it to do then the challenge is all about efficiency – well, more accurately speed.

How much can I get done in a short period of time?  Duchess said to me the other day in the grocery store parking lot.  “You are just like your father.  Always in competition with time.  That’s why the two of you wasted so much of it looking for things because your rushing makes you scattered. “

Duchess met Vivian.  Touched her and everything.  Now she can’t say I made her up.

By the way, the Invisaligns are good. I can see the progress.  They also make me think about what and when I am eating because you have to take them out and must brush before you put them back.

Oh by the way, my favorite blog mate is . . .

oops, hear the kids calling gotta go.


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