News from LA

Posted by on Sep 11, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I’m here in LA for my book signing at the Grove Barnes and Noble. 7 -9 pm tomorrow.

Hope it’s well attended. Book signings can be a little hit or miss. Anyway, I plan to have fun with it.

Good catch. I did not do Tom Joyner the other day because I ran late on Good Day NY. So I will be on Monday September 14th at 8:45 Eastern time.

I called home last nite for 2 seconds. E likes me to call when I get in the hotel. It’s funny. I used to call from the airport to say just got in. He made a pint of telling me the other day that when he says “Call when you get in” he means the hotel room. He wants an okay on the final destination.

DId you see that mean message some guy left on here the other day? That’s so funny. I ignore those so don’t worry about it. No matter who you are or what you do someone is going to not like – misunderstand or just can’t stand you. (Thanks for getting my back though ’09 )

Anyway I’m off to do stuff. If I get really ambitious i might go shopping. My wardrobe needs work. Starting to repeat the same three dresses!

You guys take it light. This is my Weary travel in the hotel pose:

The Weary Traveler

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