Back from Vegas

Posted by on Sep 17, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Well I am back from my very first trip to Vegas. Since it was less than 24 hours I didn’t see much but it certainly somewhere I’d come to for a day or so to see a show. All lit up and everything it’s exciting. But I don’t gamble. (I just can’t see giving away my money like that!)

Anyway I have a lot of work to catch up on. I don’t know how that happens to me. For weeks I do practically nothing then I have 20 things to do. But I like being busy so it’s cool.

A couple of people have been talking to me lately about Mercury being in retrograde which, as I understand it means that things will just be little off. Someone told me about that when we where having all kinds of logistical difficulties on the book launch and someone said something about it again when we were talking about all of the recent celebrity outbursts (Serena Kanye Federer)

Never been much into astrology although I don’t totally dismiss it either. But here’s my thing. Take for instance, riding the tube, (for the uninitiated that’s what I call flying) When one “fails to maintain lift” which is the euphemism for you know what – there are bound to be people from every zodiac sign on the plane. Several of their astrological forecasts had to say – going to have a good day – or something like that just as well as those other forecasts that say don’t travel or you’re going to have a bad day. To me that’s a bad day all around. So there’s my dilemma on that one.

Had a celebrity citing – John Lovit!! Here’s the pic. we were both on More at Four in Las Vegas.

Me and John Lovit


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