Friday's Post in Advance – Today's 2nd Post

Posted by on Sep 24, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

As always my Crew is on the case. Thank you Ruthie!!!!

Within minutes of posting my inability to find the Blog: Testosterone: What It Is and Why I Like It” Ruthie found it for me.

So here’s my Friday’s post in advance:

An Homage to Maleness

Testosterone – What it is and Why I like it

Of course we all know that testosterone is a hormone. Both men and women have it but men have more and in the womb its part of what makes the baby develope male sexual characteristics. Now of course I’m not talking about that today when I say ‘Testosterone – What it is and why I like it.’ I only said that to say there is a biological basis for our differences.

Anyway, more often than not, people come on ‘Divorce Court’ because the woman in the relationship has had her heart broken and wants to be heard. I think men have their hearts broken just as much but because of our societal ‘men can’t show emotion’ bias they aren’t as comfortable saying “Love has made a fool of me” on national TV as women are. So I don’t get to say all the good stuff about men as often as I would like. (and frankly sometimes when I do it gets edited out because its not as exciting as when I fuss at people) So this is my opportunity to do so:

FAIR WARNING: I get that what I am saying here are generalizations. All men and women are individuals with their own special character but in general men and women do think and feel differently on a lot of levels. The things is you can’t say one is better than another – just different and each side has some negative and positive aspects to the way they are. That having been said:

1. The male ego, though often bashed for it’s unpleasant ramifications, pushes men to do. This supercgarged desire for more has authored a great deal of good in terms of progress that has made our lives so much easier.

It is also what makes my husband willing, with great ease, to suffer harm for me. Its what makes my sons defend me. If a man has pulled you to him and loves you their egos defend you against all comers, as well, because any swipe at you swipes at them as well.

2. I like the way men seem to get over things easily. They don’t ruminate over who said what and how they said it and all of that. I can really give my sons what for and they take it move on. They don’t keep going over it. I’ll still be upset and want to talk about it later. All they want is dinner. Once I feed them all is well. My husband is the same way. I can’t tell you how many times he’s looked at me with utter surprise and said, ‘I thought this fight was over”

3. I like the way they look and feel. (I am not going to elaborate on this one. I think it speaks for itself)

4. I like their immediacy and occasional bravado. My husband often makes me go out and have a good time. My dad was the same way. I think men have a great sense of abandon and are less likely to worry about things.

5. I like the way they look and feel. (Did I mention that already?)

6. I also think men in American culture need to be applauded for the manner in which they have responded to women demanding equality. Power is not an easy thing for anyone to relinquish and while their is still sexism, I think every generation has been more and more willing to accept that equality. It’s not like that everywhere. Men here are sometimes being asked to be sensitive and strong at the same time and don’t quite have a clear indication what we’re looking for and their role. But they are working on it. I see it all over. That’s huge.

I have a husband and six sons and I am crazy about all of them. The house feels different when they are all here with me. There is an energy about them that I love.

For what it’s worth.

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