Headlines from Casa Toler

Posted by on Sep 30, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

1. Got a lot of sleep the other day so I had a lot of energy.

2. I played tennis – improvement continues. I am so excited! (thanks for asking about my progress 09).

3. Hit an all time culinary low the other day. Boomy was getting ready for baseball practice and needed a snack before he left. I told him finish dressing and I’ll make you some Ramon noodles. He stopped in his tracks. “Uh. . . . ” he said, “Can you have dad make them?

I say “what? it’s Ramon noodles. You throw them in some water and put the packet sauce on them.”

Boomy: “When dad does it it turns out better.”

It appears it DOES matter how much water you put in the pot. E pointed that out.

Also found out the other day that when you make French Toast you are not supposed to leave the bread soaking in the egg milk mixture. You know what happens when you do? You have bread that is both soggy and burnt at the same time.

5. Been painting a lot. Not much improvement there – just peace of mind. Here’s he only one I am not completely embarrassed for people to see. It’s side ways so turn your head to the right to look at it how it is supposed to be.GetAttachment-1.aspx

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