The Discrete Areas of Disorder Method

Posted by on Nov 2, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

So did you check out the mini tour of my environment? I only showed you a little. I have pockets of mini-chaos all over my office. One on my desk, one on the floor, one on my bed, one in the closet and one under my desk.

The key to functioning in this mess, I have learned over the years, is to isolate the insanity. It is okay for me to have enclaves of disorder as long as one enclave does not bleed into another.

I have long ago abandoned the notion of universal work space order. I like to see everything all of the time. I’ll glance at something and get an idea. I want to move on it right away. With my discrete areas of disorder method I can leave whatever I am working on – in it’s own separate spot -and dive into the thing I had an idea on. Then when I am done I can pick up where left off on the other thing.

I read books that way as well. Always in the middle of 5 or 6. Some historical – some novels – some humor. That way I can accommodate any mood I am in. (That amazon kindle thing has made my life so much easier!!!)

I imagine if I were born in this day and age they would diagnose me with ADD or some such thing. (not that I don’t believe ADD is real – I just wonder about it’s ubiquitous diagnosis and the rush to medicate) I think odd people with edges of certain disorders are often very productive and creative.

Absent my father’s mental health issues – what I sometimes refer to as ‘a little taste of crazy’ – I do not think that he would have been such an extraordinary and accomplished man. To be sure, that little taste must be well monitored and directed (that is what my mother did for him) and it can wreak havoc with those closest to that person. (Hence my time spent hiding in the closet at age 9.) But it drove him as well. He prevailed despite tremendous odds.

Hmmmmm. . . . .

How I got from a messy floor to bi-polar disorder (which is what pops had) I’ll never know! But there you go.

You guys have a peaceful day. I am not aiming for that myself though. I have to conduct some business today with some chest thumpers. I may have to pull out a little Can o’ Bitch.


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