
Posted by on Nov 9, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

First of all I want to say that I do so enjoy the community you guys have built on this blog. I read every comment. I follow what goes on. Can’t always comment but I do so enjoy the back and forth you guys have with each other. Supportive.

Second, my desire to comment leads me to my topic of the day. When I read your comments I always think I should write on this. Every comment, every time. Then I do some work and think I’ll blog on that. Then one of my men does something and I think I’ll comment on that. Then the morning comes and I have a hodge podge of information in my head and no complete thought or direction. All full of coffee yet frozen stiff.

Which leads me to my third point, I need to finish something. Anything. I am currently inchoate – I feel like a jig saw puzzle – I am in irregular pieces all over the room. And do you know I have the nerve to want to call somebody and start another one?

So here’s my plan for the day. I am going to finish SOMETHING. ANYTHING. It is a psychological necessity. I have been indulging my leap frog approach to life too long. Now is the time to self-regulate. I WILL finish something today.

(I’m still going to call that guy though – I love this new idea!)

I am, for those of you who are working The Rules – trying to comply with Rule No. 35 – The Percentage Rule – which requires one to step back on occasion and take stock of your recent behavior and make sure your car hasn’t left the road.

Nothing wrong with off-roading every once in a while but you have to know that’s what you’re doing and make sure you get back on at some point.

Your girl is looking for an entrance ramp.


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