The Love Bomb

Posted by on Dec 4, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Last night I went to dinner with my men. They were talking sports and music and I said something about loving them and they all got quiet.

The lesson? Never throw the Love Bomb when the guys are having a good time. They were having fun backstroking through a nice warm pool of Testosterone and I threw a cold bucket of Estrogen in it. My bad.

Never got my shoes yesterday. And to be frank, I am not quite sure what I did instead. Did finish some work though. That was good.

Glad to hear from Jan. We got worried. Never feel compelled to type, though. We were just concerned. Nice to hear from Micca as well. And while I am at it what’s up Ruthie? You holding down the fort in Ohio?

And we’ve got a lot of new folks on board. Welcome to all of you!!

Did you guys see what Ravis sent me? Too Sexy to be 50! That was just cute.

Today, I am once again making plans to get new tennis shoes. I am not going to be cheap about it either. My knees can’t take much more tennis court banging without better support. My mother and I were talking on the phone yesterday and we are both big into exercise. We got to talking about how we can’t run and gun like we used to when we were younger. I said “Aging isn’t for the faint of heart” and she said “Who are you telling?”

Gotta love my mother. The other day a reporter who is doing an article on me called her to ask her what she thought about what I do and how it felt to have your daughter write a book about her claiming she’s an emotional genius. She told her she really would wished I hadn’t written the book but that I’m hard headed once I set my mind on something (so true). She also told the woman that I was an odd child (true again) and expressed some amazement at my current level of success. Like I said, gotta love my mother.

Anyway that’s the 411 from Casa Toler.

Here’s wishing you peace and (in my case) a greater level of productivity!!

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