Goings On

Posted by on Dec 14, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

What’s going on at my house?

Well, let’s see.

Still cleaning and gift hunting.

Boom fell off the well behaved wagon last Friday. We got a call from a teacher. When he got home we said

“Do you have anything you want to tell us?”

He spent the next five minutes telling us how some run in he had with another teacher that day that ended in a detention that, he claims, was not his fault.

I say “Wrong teacher, wrong incident. What else went wrong today?”

Boomy “nothing!”

Me: “Let me just say this. We just got off the phone with one of your teachers not less than 10 minutes ago and it wasn’t the one who gave you a detention. He said you to had a major run in with him today. So again I ask, what happened?”

Here’s the scary part. He didn’t know. He honestly did not register something his teacher said was a major event as a problem.

I remind him.

His response. “That?”

“Yes” I say.

“He called about that?”

“Yes” I say.

I would relate the rest of the conversation but it was so bizarre I can’t even remember how it went.

I would really like to crawl up in his head and see what’s going on in there.

Yours in bemusement.

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