There is a Certain Beauty

Posted by on Jan 4, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments

There is a certain beauty in his movement. Languid, almost ethereal, he floats from room to room like tissue paper on a light wind. Unburdened by the minor details and mundane frustrations of daily living – “What should I do now? Where should I be? What must I get done?” he seems to hover just inches above the earth.

He is simple as nature intended, not tortured and thought ridden like the rest of us who are often so wound up in the little things that they become the only things we see. He lives in his head, moving to some soft melody that no one else can hear; calming and consuming, it shields him from the scattered cacophony that is the world around him.

I think this is what God meant for all of us: to be at one with the beating of our own hearts and not at odds – as I so often am – with the uneven rhythms of the world.

Yes, there is a certain beauty in his movement.

But when I am trying to get that boy up and out to school in the morning it is still a pain in the ass!


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