The Weekend Report

Posted by on Feb 12, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I don’t know if you would call my weekend interesting, necessarily, but it was full.

We toured another college campus with 17. 14 was in a foul mood because we made him come instead of hanging out with his friends. His displeasure increased when he learned that all of his homework had to be done before he went anywhere Saturday night. We used to let him do it Sunday morning but that always turned into an all day Sunday fight (which, in fact, it did anyway).

Can’t get him to just DO IT. He piddled around all Saturday afternoon. The boy needs to eat a sandwich between each problem on any assignment. He wants to take a nap between each assignment. All day I’m saying “get back to it”. We finished around 8:00 Sunday night. (he never got to go out on Saturday) E and I had to tag team it. When one was stretched to the limit we’d tag out and the other would take over.

But suffice it to say he was unhappy all weekend and shared his displeasure abundantly though, to his credit, with some restraint. 17 and 14 had their own feud going as well. That was delightful.

I’ll tell you this though, Boomy knew all about Napoleon when he was through. I quizzed him. Now all we need to do is see if he can hang on to it long enough to put it on paper during the test!

I did a photo shoot for a local magazine this weekend too. It was interesting. Most of the time local mags and newspapers take a few standard shots of you and that’s it. These guys were really creative. I felt like I was on America’s Top Model: The 50 and Short Edition.

Won’t tell you what I did – I want to wait for the edition to come out. It’s local though so I’ll share what they will allow me to on line so we can all enjoy it!

Rounded out my weekend with a three way “why don’t you go?” discussion between 17, E and me. Nobody wanted to cook and, sad as this is to admit, nobody wanted to make the trip for fast food. Turns out everyone except E lost the argument. Me and the boys went. Still trying to figure out how E managed that. Boomy wasn’t even involved and he ended up going.

17 was texting like a mad man in the car. Click – click – click -click -click. It is the only thing he does with speed and dedication.

It was 6:00 pm and I hadn’t eaten since the morning. I need a certain amount of carbs on a regular basis to keep me from turning into B#%$@^ Lynn. Well I was low on carbs, high on annoyance and that click – click – clicking was too much for me. I will say this for myself though I didn’t snap at him (after all it wasn’t his fault I was cranky.) All I said was:

“Let that be your last text till we get out of the car, okay? I am a little on edge.” And I was pleasant about it too. I made a point of it. Growth, people. Working it like a job. He still came home and told E I was cranky but then soon learned that his father was crankier than I. Score 1 for Team Parenthood.

So that was my weekend report. Now that it is Monday I am thinking ahead.

I hope you guys can join me for the live sneak peek and chat. The sneak peek is on Feb. 24th anytime between 2:30 and 5:30 pm PACIFIC time – that’s between 5:30 and 8:30 East coast time. We will be streaming a yet to be aired show on Then the chat starts at pm Pacific – 9 on the East coast on the same site.

I think the interesting part about this is that we are going to air the show on TV for the first time on March 5th and incorporate some of the comments at the chat.

To my crew member who lost a friend recently you are still in my thoughts.

I also want to say another hello to Johnisha.

I am off to LA tomorrow and for the rest of the week. Will blog when I can.


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