Back in the Swing of Things

Posted by on Mar 16, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments

And I do mean back in the swing. I playing tennis later this morning. I feel better. Worked the Vitamin C, Airborne and Zicam. Oh and I did have a Screwdriver before I went to sleep – purely medicinal – you understand. : )

Laid around a lot too. That drove me a little crazy but you have to do things you don’t want to do in order to get where you need to go. And the place I really wanted to go today is the tennis courts.

When I get back I am going to do all of the stuff I wanted to do yesterday but didn’t. Well anyway that’s the game plan.

You know that problem I couldn’t talk about some weeks ago that was consuming me? Well I am in the process of solving it. Duchess and I were talking about it last night – It is something we talk about all of the time: that you have to change yourself if you want to change other people.

You have to face fears and discomfort though. Change, in and of itself, is scary. You know what the status quo will get you. But at some point you have to decide if the certainty of a status quo you don’t particularly like is enough. Facing the unknown of change and the possibility it will make things worse can be daunting. Sometimes you have to be good and fed up before you are willing to risk the possibility of making things worse.

I haven’t leapt of the edge of the unknown but I sure am scrambling down the side of a mountain of mistakes I’ve made. Not a fun trip but a necessary one.

Peace, on occasion, must be fought for – constructively and with constraint – but fought for nevertheless.

I am reading a book called The Forever War about Afghanistan. It is not at all political. It’s personal. Globalized the living daylights out of my Pain Quotient. (MMR 30)*

It is sunny today where I live. Peaceful and calm.

My biggest problem? Now that Boomy is off restriction I must feed the swarm of teenagers he brings through here regularly. Little Hoover Vacuums, these people. What a wonderful problem to have. It means that his grades are up (however briefly) and I know where he is and what he’s doing — all for the price of a kitchen in a perpetual state of disarray and some extra groceries. Talk about a good deal.

Life is good. And I have enough sense to be grateful.

Peace. And boy am I feeling it this morning! Here’s wishing you the same.

*Okay so this is what I am going to do from now on. Whenever I reference a rule from My Mother’s Rules I will site it as MMR #.

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