The Joy Report

Posted by on Mar 26, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments

People, I am going to have to give myself an A+ for yesterday. And I am not blowing smoke – you know I am not an easy grader . . .

I had two opportunities to fall off of the joy wagon. One chance to get angry: Boomy went Boom.

But I ducked the shrapnel, held my ground and all ended well.

I also had a chance to worry BIG about something. Hosting my own radio show this coming Sunday. I’ve been ON plenty but never served as a host for four hours. I know I talk for a living but this is all new in form and fashion. People expect a lot. But radio is a whole different animal. The show will be heard in parts of southern California only. As I get more details I will share in case you are in the listening area.

But anyway, I am a little stressed about it. And the guy I am working with could tell. He called and said what do you need to go over? What are your concerns? And I told him I’ve done the research and outlined the hours but I decided not to think about it anymore. Worry is like a pimple. If you pick at it it grows. He said: Good plan.

The puppy was cute as all get out. You could hold him in one hand. I thought my friend had lost her mind for getting a brand new pup at this time in her life. Three minutes with the dog and I understood completely. It rolled over and tumbled out of its doggy bed when I rubbed its tummy. She said “See, now you know what happened to me.”

Ruthie – I get what you do much better now. It is not just how you love the animals (which I always knew about you) but it is also how much they love you back.

Tennis was great. That endorphin rush makes me so high!!!!! Nothing quite like it. It is a full body and mind release from everything. (at least for the hour I’m out there) Going back again today.

Have been a little remiss on calling Duchess. That will be rectified today.

Are you loving the new members on this blog or what? You guys will love my OCs (original crew members) We have been blogging here for almost two years now,( I think)

So do any of you have a Drama Free Thursday report for me? Did you make it or did life have other plans for you?

Here’s wishing you
Peace, Release and Puppy Love.

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