Riding the Tube

Posted by on Sep 7, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Hello everyone,

I am at the airport ready to ride the tube. I have it together more than usual this morning although my stress level was so high last night that it seeped into the air around my house and infected everybody. I put everyone on edge. I had been home so long between trips I lost whatever flight cool I had. In addition I find that though I prefer to stay home when I do it to much Worry Lynn has a field day.

E was funny this morning. He said “I am going to miss you but you need to go.” And he is right. Sometimes you have to push me out of the house.

I am heading to NYC to do a spot on CBS’s Early Show on my new book, The Sane Approach. Don’t know what time the segment will air. If I get a heads up I’ll let you know. Also scheduled to do Tom Joyner on Thursday and Fox NYC on Thursday. When I have exact info I’ll let you know.

Welcome to Christine J. We’re a good group. Hope you enjoy.

I will think about the motivating teenaged boy question. If I can’t give you some kind of cogent help I should be ashamed I am on teenage son #6. I have to warn you though I am old school and we started really early with 18 and you’re out. My phrase is “If you’re not earning or learning you can’t live with me.”

Wish me luck and smooth air!


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