
Posted by on Nov 3, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

17 got on my last nerve yesterday.

He was doing a project on the Church in the Middle Ages. The project had some specific requirements with respect to what it was supposed to contain. He claimed that info was not available.

I say “What do you mean? Google it.”

He says: “I did, but I can’t find the answer to these specific questions.”

I say: “tell me what you’ve learned about the church so far.”

He throws me some random facts that don’t explain anything.

I say, “You know, they are not going to have a site that answers these specific questions in an isolated form. You actually have to read about the church and figure out the answer from within the context of what you read.”

He looked at me like I asked him to fly to the moon tomorrow.

I am going to Borders to buy some books. Google has made him intellectually lazy. Searches are so specific people don’t have to do the global thinking and assessing anymore.

Remember back in The Stone Age when you would have to go to the library get some books and truly understand what you are talking about before you could write a paper?

Momma is a little warm – not at technology (it is what it is and you have to learn to live in the world you are in). I am mad at both myself and junior. We have had this conversation before. I have sat down with him, read passages and tried to teach him how to read and comprehend. To no avail.

He’s lazy and I’m impatient – not a good combo. An argument always ensues. I appears I need to revisit My Mother’s Rules and figure something out before one of us gets hurt!

Pray for me!

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