No Theme

Posted by on Dec 3, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Today’s blog has no theme. I am just rolling with whatever pops into my head:

1. Thank you for all of your responses yesterday and your willingness to share.

2. Hello, Donovan! A young man with his head on his shoulders and willing to blog with a bunch of women. Loving that!

3. Ravis, I feel you. I think they should leave Tiger Woods alone. I am no fan of golf or him. Don’t dislike him or anything he’s just not my cup of tea. But celebrity or no your personal problems are just that. He doesn’t own anyone other than his family an apology.

Celebrity is a weird thing. I am a minor one. Most people on the street don’t know or recognize me, but in certain cities a lot of people know who I am. I share (rather freely) – here about my life cause I just do, but I must say I can see from a distance what discomfort major celebrities feel. On one hand they owe their livelihood to their fans. Without them – no career. That having been said – I see how some of them feel inundated and consumed. Everybody has got to have a private life, a place to be human without being humiliated publicly.

I went to a race track once with my family and nephew and this guy just sat at my table and stared and wanted to talk and I was nice. But he just wouldn’t go away. Finally some woman who didn’t know me said “Hey, she’s trying to enjoy her family and the races, please leave her alone.”

I can’t imagine what it’s like to be George Clooney or something.

4. You know, when my hubby got sick with Valley Fever, I thought he was gold brickin’ for a month before I realized he was really sick. By then he had pneumonia. In my defense he kept saying he was fine but I should have know better. I’m just saying – absent a medical degree and a portable MRI, CAT and daily blood tests given to each and every one of your family members- you can’t catch it all. Give yourself a break. Visible symptoms or no – doctors don’t always catch everything either. . .

5. I hear what you’re telling me (and I appreciate your looking out for me) but I do believe the “Care about the hair” ship has sailed. It is my hope that the manner in which I express what’s IN my head will always be more important than what’s ON TOP of it. It’s a philosophical thing – you know, like Macey Gray (I think that’s her name) she had that song “I am not my hair.” Me either!!! ; ). I just talk about it because I think it’s funny and it’s hard to find something to blog about every day!!

6. I have projects and no more excuses not to do them. I am off to work. Which just means I am going off line and on to Word.


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