Thursday Morning and all is Weird

Posted by on Mar 18, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Woke up this morning and everything was out of place. Lights on in different rooms. Ceiling fans on that we never turn on. Small things in the wrong spot. Had what I believed to be a dream about people talking and doing things opening and closing doors. Maybe it was no dream. As soon as someone wakes up I’ll ask.

Everybody that is supposed to be here is here, though. Sound asleep. So whatever I missed last night, it happened quietly and turned out okay.

Doing some charity poster for an animal rescue today. Have to drive somewhere I have never been before. Don’t like that. (Isn’t that strange – can talk to crowds of thousands – no sweat – hate getting on a new freeway) But I promised so I am going to do it.

Night Line did a piece about Divorce Court that should air some time this month. I am going to ask when it will air so you guys can catch it. I also need to make a point of telling Mom. She talks about me every time one of her girlfriends say they saw or heard me on something and I didn’t give her a heads up.

Working on another surprise that should happen in April. Not telling. Hope you enjoy it.

For all of you who are struggling in school. One of these days I will take a moment and regale you with all of the failures, foul ups and stupid stuff I did while in both college and law school and I still turned out okay.

Here’s one for you though – just so you have an idea: One day I walked into an exam and sat and stared at it for five minutes thinking “What the heck is this? Did I miss this much!!! I read the book!!” (because you know a sister didn’t have enough sense to go to class – so I never saw my classmates and while I would have recognized the guy teaching – I always went at least twice – first day when they hand out the syllabus and last day when they did exam review – but t was an exam and there was just a proctor there)

Anyway, I finally looked up at the top of the exam and saw I was in another course altogether. I misread the room assignments and ended up n the wrong exam room. I said (a little louder than I had intended, I believe) “Oh thank God.” handed the guy the test back and went to the right room. Everybody laughed.

Sad but true. MMR 6 in action.


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