More Than a Fender Bender But No Airbags

Posted by on Aug 24, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

That’s my big news for this morning. Picking up 17. Turned into someone’s drive way and bam! Lady behind me said her breaks gave out. She ended up in the driveway with me, our cars wedged together so she could get out of the driver’s side. She was screaming. She apologized a lot but I said It’s okay these things happen. Why be angry?

I was pretty calm – confused at first but calm. Whole neighborhood came out (crash was loud.) Big E came. Nobody hurt. Called insurance company. That’s what they’re for.

Other than that weekend was peaceful. Today’s plan is to get the car to the shop. Wheel was impacted so E is going to try to get the metal off it before HE takes it to the shop.

Do have some good news though. Wedlock or Deadlock did well enough that it is getting a second run. Still in limited cities but we are adding a new one Dallas. Times have changed. Chuck will post particulars later.

I’ve decided against the Q&A thing. I understand it was harmless benign stuff like what’s your favorite color and I can choose to answer or not. But it’s just not my cup of tea. And that, as they say, is that.

You guys have a good day.


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