
Posted by on Feb 17, 2010 in Judge Lynn Main, Uncategorized | No Comments

It’s deep isn’t it? watching yourself evolve over time in writing. Ruthie, you have blossomed like an orchid! I cannot count the number of LOL’s I get from you these days. You weren’t laughing much early on!

Ms. E fear not. We all get caught mis-communicating on this thing. It is so immediate and anonymous. We have a tendency to throw out how we feel with out the face to face information of recipient expressions. And the abbreviations and smiley faces notwithstanding, it is tough to express tone on this thing.

When I speak to an audience I feed off of their reactions, I can tell mid sentence how I am being taken and adjust my words before I hit the end if I feel I am being misunderstood. Don’t adjust what I am saying just how I am saying it. Can’t do that here.

Then when you do read someone else’s post, there is no immediate opportunity to say what do you mean? You just have it there, you have your response, nurse it while you are writing and don’t have much of a down side to not using your edit button.

And last but not least your audience is so vast. You are talking to all kinds of people in all kinds of situations with all kinds of backgrounds and issues. It’s tough working your words so that large of a unknown and diverse crowd understand you every time. And people get insulted very easily.


17 still working the SAT thing but we have him in an SAT course now

Boomy is Boomy. . . our struggles continue. I’d tell you but its the same stuff different day.

Wedlock is floating in the never-never land of no decision. Shows often die there. I have let it go.

Still working on a fan club thing. I think I know what I am going to do. Logistics is my problem.

Take care my people. I was up all night – sick as a dog. Must have been something I ate. My body went on full throttle reject. I will spare you the gory details.

Gotta go to the dentist then tennis. Hope to get a nap somewhere in between so I can get out there and play like I am somebody. Maybe I’ll just work on my serve – boring but an essential part of the game I have been neglecting.

Your in no small measure of queasiness.

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