Weirdness Revealed

Posted by on Mar 19, 2010 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Boomy was sleeping over a neighbors house, him and a crew of five made a late night raid on my house for snacks and game controllers the went back across the street. Explains everything.

Little bleary eyed this morning. Friend on East coast (who knows I typically rise early) forgot about the three hour time difference. 5:00 am call. I told her it’s Thursday. She said Friday. She was right but I was half a sleep and my brain had yet to roll over to the next day. We will call this morning and laugh at each other’s mutual boo boos.

Having company over this weekend. Haven’t done that in a while. My hostessing skills are limited.

I had an epiphany the other day. Well actually I guess you can’t call it an epiphany since I have known about it for a while. The new part is I figured out what was making it worse.

The next thing you know I did a whole day of the resentment/ anger thing. Forces in my life had contributed to it and I was mad about that.

But I knew I had to leave it alone though so I could move on. I had to, as my mother says, ‘put a period on it.’ So I called her. And she helped me do just that. She is great with emotional punctuation. see MMR 33.

The problem is the anger I feel from the outside force keeps creeping past me when I am not paying attention. That leads to a whole set of regret at how I responded. I should have known better. My personal peanut gallery (a very healthy and loud choir of nay sayers and critics that live in my head never stop) is having a field day with it – a marathon performance of “You idiot! You fool!”

I am trying to shut them up. So now I have a new approach.

I am using MMR 10(A) My new out loud comment to my self is:

People seeking to live an error free life will most certainly lead a joyless one.

Hope my crew is well. Hoping all pets are recovering or at peace (as the case may be) Hope people who are struggling in school (whether they teach or are being taught) are fairing well.

If you’re sick, get better. If you are lonely, blog more. If we haven’t heard from you in a while, check in and say hello.

Wishing you

Peace and a wonderful weekend!

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