Closet Joy

Posted by on Apr 5, 2010 in The Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

There is joy in my closet.

As you all know I went shopping over the weekend. Typically, I dread the entire process. Here are all of the salient personality traits that lead to my dilemma:

1. I am impatient. Looking through racks drives me to distraction.
2. I have no concept of fashion (this is a big one). I tend to like conservative, or as my mother contends, fuddy duddy looking stuff. I was, believe it or not, tremendously shy when I was younger. I never wanted to stand out. Moreover, I thought clothes were strictly for attracting guys and for years I thought that was just silly. All they seemed to want was sex. Why spend your time and money trying to attract people you would ultimately end up running from anyway? I was a late bloomer.
3. I hate taking off my clothes and putting them back on.
4. And lately this one has been rearing its ugly head more and more often: While in the harsh light of the dressing room you can see all of your fat in action. A roll here. A glob there. The rocky roads of cellulite criss -crossing your topography. Buying a larger size every year. Who needs that?

Fortunately, I had support this trip. My friend and her thirteen-year-old daughter accompanied me. They were wonderful. They dedicated their morning to getting me together. The cool thing was they knew how to move through a store. They had a good eye for what would looked good on me and we got in and out. They were decisive and accurate. I loved that!

Her daughter was on fuddy duddy patrol. I told her that her job was to keep me from buying anything that’s “old lady like.” She spent all afternoon shaking her head with mild knowing exasperation and saying “n to the no.” She was fabulous.

Do you know I actually got a number of items, none of which I regretted immediately upon returning home, which is typically how all my shopping trips end.

Hope all of you had a Happy Easter. Mine was very simple. No big meal or anything. Boomy had a rotating crew of boys through the house. Met two new ones. I tell you that boy recruits people. But this was cool. One of them actually stood up when I entered the room and said (get this) “Hello my name is _________. ” Then he shook my hand. Can I get a shout out for old school manners?!!

Anyway, I am glad all of you seemed to have a good holiday.

My week will be filled with This, That and The Other Thing. I usually do This and That well. It is The Other Thing that gives me fits.

I think that my next rule of the month is going to be ‘Feeding the Right Dog’. Do any of you remember what that rule is? It’s not in the book but I have spoken about it on occasion here in my blog. I have been trying to do that lately. It is a step past Rule 42. It is all about nourishing the positive while starving the negative. I have a couple of dogs these days I am looking to eliminate or at least make them as small and unobtrusive as possible.

Let me think about that one and I will get back to you. Maybe you can help me write the new rule of the month. If I take one of your stories I certainly will credit you in the video – unless anonymity is more important. (you know a girl likes to respect privacy).

Anyway, here’s wishing you

Much love, productivity and peace.
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