Virtual Blindness

Posted by on Jun 15, 2010 in Uncategorized | 9 Comments

I got to thinking about this because we were talking about black names. I was glad we were able to keep the race conversation funny and light.  I got worried for a minute someone might get confused about what we were doing.  But everybody stayed  within the lines. It’s fun we we can be tactfully irreverent  without misunderstanding.

Humor is different for everybody.  I like almost all kinds.  But some people are offended by things that speak of who they are (racially, gender, you name it)  Some folks don’t like blue humor, that is, dirty jokes.  I think there is a distinction between a dirty joke (which can be very funny) and nasty jokes (which are just foul) but so few people manage to be able to understand and respect the distinction I tend to stay away from them all. The one humor I REALLY can’t stand is scatological (fancy word for poop humor.)  Never could quite wrap my head around that.

But I digress.

Our conversation about black names made me think about how hard this device is. It it is almost impossible to really read people.  Dangerous thing.

I have given a lot of speeches in my day.  Still continue to do it.  One of the most important things for me when I give a  a speech is reading the audience on the fly.  I like to gauge their reactions.  I listen to what does and does not get a response.  It helps me communicate better.  I like to look at faces and see reactions.  I never change my message but what you have to say can be said in so many different ways.  It’s like a song.  The lyrics can stay the same but you can change the melody.

That’s the one thing I really don’t like about virtual communication.  I can’t do that here.  I can’t see who I am talking to.  We are all Virtually Blind.

I get frustrated sometimes I have to make so many detours and qualifications to make sure I am understood.  I suppose I could just throw out what I think but I am in no mood for rancor or arguments. Life is hard enough.

And I can’t rely on those things that help say whatever i want in a way that won’t get people started

Take tone for instance.  I do a lot with tone when I talk.  Facial expression, I like to exude a positive demeanor even when I disagree with people.

You can’t do that here.  Yes, there are a whole lot of abbreviations which are meant to convey purpose and mood.  But they are a sad substitute. You can make a nasty crack and put LOL behind it and no one really knows.  But if I’m talking to you I can read your face hear the tone of your voice and get a good read on what you really meant by what you said.

Just sayin.  Communicating on here is like flying blind.  I spend so much time on my blogs trying to make sure I am not misunderstood I have a hard time talking about much more than the weather and my kids.  And even then . . .

I had no real point here, just expressing my frustration.  This all stemmed from a topic I was going to raise and then thought better of it.  Happens to me a lot.

Trying to decide where I am going to take this blog.

Just sayin’

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