House Full of Them

Posted by on Jun 23, 2010 in Uncategorized | 16 Comments

Cranky men.

I am in a delightful mood.  Everybody else is cranky.  I used to try to talk and reassure  them when they are cranky.  I would be extra loving.  Make them food that they liked.  But I don’t do that anymore.  Somehow in an odd sort of Eve gave Adam the apple way my trying to make them feel better made them feel like I was in some way responsible for their unhappiness to begin with.

Now I just let them work it out.  And when I leave them to it they do a little better.

I think it is a sleep problem.  They don’t get enough of it.  They stay up at night and then have to do things in the morning and they never quite catch up and then they fall head first in to a vat of Teenagy.

Such is life I suppose.

Life is good though.  Got places to go  and people to see.  I have found two books I enjoy – that are not history.  Tennis game went well.

I saw another article  about “Gray divorces” the other day.  People leaving each other after twenty thirty years.  Understandable.  We’ve never lived so long before.  Now people are retired, kids grown and then the next thing you know they are  alone in the house with one another.  They aren’t fighting mutual battles against other things anymore.  So many common causes have been resolved. Now they are left with enough time to see what they do and do not like about each other.

In Japan they have a term called ‘wet leaves’.  Men whose whole lives were their work and when they retire they cling to their wives like ‘wet leaves’ and the wives who have all their married life been left to their own devises because hubby was at work all of the time don’t like his clinginess and they divorce them.  I don’t know how prevalent that is but they say ‘wet leaf’ divorces are on the rise in  Japan .

I must say that’s a fine How do you do.  Yep, you have worked all your life to support me now that you’re home I can’t stand you.  Bye.

Too much free time.  Never works out for me on an emotional level.

I grew out my relaxer:  Summer time.  I’m going native.

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