In The Light

Posted by on Aug 31, 2010 in Lynn Favorites | 10 Comments

I figured out a few things while stumbling around in the dark the last few days.  Now that I am back in the light I thought I would share what I learned:

1. Never make major decisions within 30 minutes of a crying jag.  That seems so simple and elementary you would think it need not be discussed.  However . . .

2. A silent husband is not always a bad thing.  Better to say nothing than say the wrong thing.

3. Tennis is easier when you breath during the points.

4. If you are in the habit of calling your mother DO NOT under any circumstances break that routine. The consequences are dire and it will take her at least 20 minutes to tell you about it.

5. A Big Mac, fries and a coke –  a.k.a. Value meal No. 1 – is better than valium.

6. Don’t spend too much time worrying about any one thing. Odds are when something goes wrong it will be something else.

7. ‘No’ is one of the most beautiful words in the english language.  You lose your fear of saying that, you gain all kinds of control.  (This, I believe, is a woman thing.  Pleasing everyone is neither possible nor healthy – even for the ones you are pleasing.)

I tried hard to think of 10 things but 7 is all I have.  And I suppose that realization should be number 8: Don’t hold yourself to arbitrary standards.  Too much pressure.  And for what?

Peace.  Got mine back.

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