Renewed Vigor

Posted by on Apr 27, 2015 in Uncategorized | 11 Comments

Good morning all!Photo on 4-25-15 at 8.24 AM

It’s funny. I feel like I am home again. Thank you to my OCMs for giving me a new sense of excitement about this thing.

First, let me explain the OCM thing for those of you  who are new here. I blogged almost everyday for 2 years(?) and a few of my constant commenters became friends with each other. It was funny.

Then I got blog weary and I stopped.

I liked blogging. I like having new people come on board and share the ups and downs of our everyday with each other. So I’m going to take another run at it.

Second, welcome to all of you who have registered and those of you have commented. I hope to have a vibrant community here. It will take time but I’m going to give it a shot.

I’ll still be answering questions at AskJudgeLynn. If you go there please start a new topic thread. (You will find it at the bottom of the AskJudgeLynn page)

But here, I’m just chit chatting. So to bring everybody up to speed there has been a fair amount of newness in my life:

1. BigE and I have downsized. Bought a new house with less bedrooms because 5 and 6 (I number our six boys) are out of the house. Love my boys but I don’t want them to get confused by all those bedrooms we had and mistake them for an invitation to move back in. lol!

2. People are asking me to write a new book but I’m struggling with the topic. Suggestions? I want to find something I know about and am passionate about.

3. I learned how to cook a really good lemon pie. I want my props!

4. I have been making fairly regular appearances on WeTV’s Marriage BootCamp. I’ll keep you posted on appearance dates.

But more importantly than all of that:

5. I am learning to love my Mondays. I used to see them as the beginning of  the to time to tackle problems.  I always have the issues in full view and the possibilities, though pursued,lurk around in the back of my head taking their jolly good time in making themselves a priority.

But not long ago I was working with a guy (he and I are working on a new project by the way … if it looks like it will come to fruition I’ll tell you about it) … anyway he who said to me “I LOVE Monday. It is so full of possibilities. I have a whole five working days to discover, create and move forward.”

I am trying to adopt that creed. So


Work it like a job …