This was on my mind ...

Other People's Stuff

I get a lot of requests for advice. And, as I always say, I never answer specific questions but if someone raises an issue I think is of general interest I blog on it. Actually, I have had a few questions about this general topic so here is my ten cents worth on Other People’s Stuff.

When I say Other People’s Stuff I mean other people’s drama and personal problems that they visit on you. Some people are like that you know.

The adage ‘misery loves company’ is true. In addition, I think there are people out there who like being the center of attention. So when they drag you into their stuff or manipulate you with a lot of emotional garbage it makes them feel powerful.

This one young lady told me about their parents messy break up – a father who guilts her – she’s feeling responsible for how her mother gets treated. Can’t express an opinion specifically on that but here are the questions I’d ask myself.

1. Are you helping or enabling? If you are helping, the situation changes and gets better. If you are enabling you are soothing people enough to allow them to continue in their unhealthy patterns.

You can’t fix another person’s toxic relationship with someone else. They have to. You can feel badly for people but if the situation is messed up and you conitnue to behave in the same way as you have how is that going to improve anything? If it didn’t work on Monday it won’t work on Thursday.

Now if you are making the situation better or have a new way to go and you think it might help go ahead. But if you are running around in the same circle what have you accomplished except continuing the pain?

2. What is this situation doing to you?
Are you starting to define yourself by other’s weaknesses, problems or insecurities?

Yes you love your relatives and you want them to love you. But you can’t make people express their love or even behave appropriately towards you. If they can’t that has nothing to do with you. ID them as a person you love with problems. Then you don’t take it personally.

I have a story in My Mother’s Rules about my mother never understanding why her father could leave her, her mom and brother and sisters in such dire poverty. So she went to the town that he was living in and saw that he was an alcoholic and began to understand what that meant. That, she said when she put a period on it. Booze not his feeling for her dictated his day. Nothing personal. Feels that way but it isn’t.

So if you are dealing with family who has issues name it, acknowledge it and work at letting it go. It’s not easy but make that a goal. Then work on that instead of trying to change people.

3. Have you’ve done the best you can?

If so don’t feel guilty.

4. Do you have a family of your own that not only deserves your time and attention but appreciates it?

They should be your focus.


“I love you but I can’t help you.”
“I am so sorry you feel that way but I’ll always love you”
“I wish I could fix this but I can’t. I love you but don’t bring this to me anymore. I’ve done my best.”
“here’s what I think you need to do ______ Cause what you’re doing isn’t working and it hurting everybody. Take my advice if you want but if you don’t we can talk about anything except that mess.”

If things get better you can always have a closer relationship. But in the mean time you have to decide what this things does to you. And you can.

Get strong. Get an attitude – not a nasty one but of good humored cool and glacial calm. Globalize your Pain Quotient – you do not live in a war zone or the drought ravaged Sudan – your pops is childish and self centered.

It’s like a life guard. The first thing they learn in life guard school is how NOT to let a panicking drowning person take you down with them. Break their hold, then assess do your best, but get to the beach alive.

For what it’s worth.


49 – My age
101 -The temperature at
8 pm -last night where I played tennis for
1 hour

There is a thin line between dedication and foolhardiness and I flirting with it.

Been getting a few interesting questions of late which I do plan to answer. Was going to do it this morning but I’m still suffering from the effects of last night. (what was I thinking?)

Maybe I should go back to bed.

HMMMMMM, Yes, I think that is exactly what I will do.

Maybe I’ll holler later.


Cooler Heads

First, I want to say that the mall thing went as well as could be expected. I put them in the right department and then I went to look at purses. Little static when I got back. “I want this” “They don’t have that”

My response was soul calming. “Find it here or find it on line. Let’s eat.” It was, I must say, a quiet lunch but I felt fine. And to be fair 14 perked up a bit when I fed him. New lesson: Never talk a hungry adolescent anywhere.

They said thank you though at the end. So all is well.

09 Your crew is behind you. I don’t know your boss or how the conversation went. But yours is a problem a lot of people run into so I thought I’d give my ten cents worth:

1) never let your hurt feelings do your talking for you. Emotions are not good business partners. They don’t understand money.

2) Let that first wave go by then look at your situation from your employers eyes Is there a reason switching days is not doable for her? Knowledge is power. Ask what the issue is with an eye toward resolving the matter to both of your advantage.

3) Nothing to lose by having a calm rational conversation in which you remind her of what you’ve done and how loyal an employee you’ve been.

4. Remember when people hurt your feelings 9 times out of 10 it has more to do with what they’re dealing with than you.

5. Even if her problem is you find out what and why. That will do one of two things: a) tell you she does not appreciate you – which means it’s her bad or b) tells you where you can improve next time. (eg what was your approach? – did you TELL her what days you could work or ASK if you could switch? People get their noses out of joint for the smallest of reasons.)

6. Remember no matter how an employment situation turns out – no one and I mean no one – defines who you are other than you.

And just keep this in mind – twice in my life jobs went poof on me. One (at a law firm I could see the writing on the wall. They didn’t see me as partner material – I wasn’t going to bring in clients) – So in looking for a fall back position I ran for judge.

Power of Attorney was my first TV show. Got cancelled after 4 months. I swear I laid on the kitchen floor when they told me. It was my birthday. Took a while but I got DC.

Here’s my take on that. God moves me when I don’t have enough sense to move myself. All my best decisions were a function of getting out ahead of a problem I saw coming or in an aggressive – BUT POSITIVE – response to an unfortunate situation . If not for these unfortunate situations I’d still be working in a firm and hating every minute of it.

Don’t get me wrong I am not some zen monk who glides through trouble like a soaring eagle. I am just as vulnerable as the next guy. And if you read my book you know stability is never a given with me.

All I’m saying is let cooler heads prevail. You have the right to feel the way you do but you also have the power to respond with rationality and reason.

Good luck. We are all pulling for you.

What My Day is Looking Like

So here’s how I’m rolling today. I have a sticky contract situation that I am going to have to deal with.

I have to work on show treatments.

I have to take care of a legal matter.

I have to take the boys ‘back to school’ clothes shopping to day.

Back in the day I could go to Target buy them ten shirts and two pairs of jeans of my choosing. They didn’t care and when they wore out it was okay cause they’d outgrow them in 9 months anyway.

But now, they care. Which wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t mind shopping. They hate it worse than I do. So here’s what typically occurs. They pester me two days in advance (this has already occurred) about what it is they want and don’t want.

Then we go to the store (That’s today’s pain in the behind task) and since I have been informed – ad nauseam – about their preferences they expect me to wave a magic wand in front of the store and have all of their completed outfits pop off the racks and fly into my hands. They don’t want to look. They don’t want to try anything on. They express disgust at my suggestions.

So TODAY I am going to send them in. I’m going elsewhere. They’ll have an hour to pick stuff out. I’ll come back. Buy the stuff I approve of (They have a price limit) and am putting the rest back. I’m in no mood to molly coddle people today.

You know, I received a really interesting question from someone re: toxic relatives on MySpace. I think I will give it some though and have a general response to the issue.

By the way what’s up with MySpace? I haven’t been able to post for 2 days.

Still working on posting my woman cave pictures. You’re girl has had an techno-stroke. Brain can’t process buttons all of a sudden.

Anyway, you guys take it easy. I love the virtual family you have formed.


People Places and Things


1. I talked to a couple of interesting people in LA. One of them was a friend who worked in Michael Jackson’s house and was there the day he died. Can’t share what she told me. Always thought this person was a good person now I think she’s wonderful. She’s gotten mad money offers from The Enquirer and you name it, to tell her story. She needs the money but won’t take it. Every once in a while you have your faith in people restored from the strangest places.

2. And then there is you guys. I moan a great deal on this thing about life’s little dramas then on occasion one of you will give me a note of encouragement and make a brief reference to your won personal drama. I want you guys to know I appreciate the fact that you get I can’t take on everybody’s problems but that I am with you in spirit. Some of you are struggling hard and keep stepping. I love that!!!!!! One day when I get my fan club together I am going to have a forum of some sort called Stitch and Bitch. A friend of mine used to do it. It was a knitting club. Everybody came and knitted something but the real purpose was to get together and complain. I am going to figure out a way to have a virtual Stitch and Bitch. Some good humored moaning and groaning never hurt anybody.

3. One of you asked about that person I couldn’t find anything to like about and how I was doing with that person. You know, I have been so busy that she has been relegated to an asterisk in my life. That’s the real solution – not chocolate cake – I’ve been extra busy. I am working on lots of new projects – I might need your help with one by the way – more later when I have it together – but she’s now just a hang nail. You have to let people bother you and I just have too much important stuff going on. I am soooo over it.

4. Small storm blew through my recently calm marital waters. Actually that’s not true, it was a category 5 hurricane. But it was fast. Weird. Still weird. But calm again. Life is weird.


I finished my office. My woman cave is up and running. Having a little problem on the picture front though. Can’t find my before shots but I am going to try to send you some afters later today.

After I go to the grocery store today (and yes, I am at it again) I am going to clean the fridge and the bathroom. That’s my domestic goal for the day. I’ll have you know that the Maids have not been here in months and your girl is holding it together. Tell you what, Big E did his part while I was gone. Like I said the place sparkled when I got home.


Man oh man, I was going to upload a picture or video but it seems I’ve lost my touch. What are you gonna do?

More from JudgeLynn


You’ve asked. She’s answered. In Dear Sonali, Judge Lynn speaks to all the young women who call her Mom2 or the Auntie in their Head.

My Mother's Rules" is a humorous, easy to follow self-help guide to managing your emotional life.

Using lessons learned on the bench along with humorous anecdotes from her own 30 year marriage, Judge Lynn Toler wrote "Making Marriage Work" as a logical and simple guide to bringing back the practicality lost in relationships over the years.

Connect with Judge Lynn

Other People's Stuff

Posted by on Jul 30, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

I get a lot of requests for advice. And, as I always say, I never answer specific questions but if someone raises an issue I think is of general interest I blog on it. Actually, I have had a few questions about this general topic so here is my ten cents worth on Other People’s […]


Posted by on Jul 29, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

49 – My age 101 -The temperature at 8 pm -last night where I played tennis for 1 hour There is a thin line between dedication and foolhardiness and I flirting with it. Been getting a few interesting questions of late which I do plan to answer. Was going to do it this morning but […]

Cooler Heads

Posted by on Jul 28, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

First, I want to say that the mall thing went as well as could be expected. I put them in the right department and then I went to look at purses. Little static when I got back. “I want this” “They don’t have that” My response was soul calming. “Find it here or find it […]

What My Day is Looking Like

Posted by on Jul 27, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

So here’s how I’m rolling today. I have a sticky contract situation that I am going to have to deal with. NO PROBLEM. I have to work on show treatments. NO PROBLEM. I have to take care of a legal matter. NO PROBLEM. I have to take the boys ‘back to school’ clothes shopping to […]

People Places and Things

Posted by on Jul 26, 2009 in Uncategorized | No Comments

People: 1. I talked to a couple of interesting people in LA. One of them was a friend who worked in Michael Jackson’s house and was there the day he died. Can’t share what she told me. Always thought this person was a good person now I think she’s wonderful. She’s gotten mad money offers […]