Gotta Love A Dog
Hello everybody. This is a candid shot of me and Boogie, The Dog. Six* and I went out and got him on a lark one day. Well, it wasn’t really a lark, I had been mulling it over for a while. In fact I had already made a few recognizance missions, on the down low, […]
Hello all. Telisha asked what I thought of Baltimore and I answered her in the comments. But I thought I would speak to it again … I hope things get better in Baltimore soon. I hope Freddie Gray’s death doesn’t simply become a reason for violence as opposed to another lesson on legitimate concerns in the black […]
Renewed Vigor
Good morning all! It’s funny. I feel like I am home again. Thank you to my OCMs for giving me a new sense of excitement about this thing. First, let me explain the OCM thing for those of you who are new here. I blogged almost everyday for 2 years(?) and a few of my […]
Hey, how are You?
Hello everyone! So many of you have registered here to comment and I want to welcome you all. I am also going to confess to continued technical difficulties answering questions. If you’ve asked and it’s still in moderation don’t lose hope, I’m still trying to catch up. sometimes I leave them there as a signal […]
A Good Night
This is me an my, I got you, don’t worry about it, girl, you know what I mean, running buddy, Desi! We were at the Creative Emmy’s last night. Third nomination …. still no hardware. But it was a good night. I got to see my glam squad, Val and Rick aka Genius and Genius […]